Ask anyone you know if they are using, or have used a CRM solution and you are bound to get the same response...What a painful experience!
Why is it that users see CRM as a hindrance, and not a productivity tool? The answer lies in the selection process and the way it is implemented. Most users are told that a decision has been made on a new CRM solution, and the training will begin on Monday. How would you feel if someone else made the decision to put you in a new car, or dress you in a new outfit, not great huh?
Selecting A CRM Solution
Here are a few suggestions that will make this whole experience less painful:
1. Get users involved early in the selection process. They will have a vested interest in the outcome.
2. Solicit user feedback on possible enhancements and new functionality.
3. Reward power users with bonuses and get them to talk about how they use CRM.
4. Provide proper upfront training and plan for periodic updates.
5. Get senior management involved by using reports, this will show the importance of user adoption.
6. Keep making improvements to the existing CRM solution. You business is changing and so should your CRM solution.
A successful CRM project really depends on user adoption, and you can make this a reality by taking a few extra steps.
Top down support is crucial, and giving the users a voice is a key. Be sure to keep them involved as your CRM solution evolves. You want your users to say they could not work effectively without their CRM solution.